Stakes are sparkly as diamonds! Showcase your long-term bullish outlook with the first-ever Accelerator Boost Utility NFT, available exclusively for 5+ year BPD stake upgrades and qualifying stakes and Accelerator bids. Showcase your support for the Axion Project with this beautiful NFT that grants a powerful 5% boost to Accelerator Bids! Find out how to get the Diamond Stake NFT here.

Stakes are meant to last.

Make yours shine with the first-ever Accelerator Boost NFT.

Diamond Stake NFT

Class: Utility
Rarity: Rare
Status: Transferrable, Sellable
Network: Polygon
Function: Accelerator Boost
Amount Minted: TBD
Availability: Limited
View this NFT on OpenSea.

Description: Your belief in Axion is as strong as a diamond. You've committed your AXN for the next 5-15 years, and this NFT is proof of your dedication. Revel in the beauty of diamonds as you get a 5% boost on principal with every Accelerator buy.

Stakes as sparkly as diamonds...

What is this NFT?

The Axion project has never been more exciting, with our recent launch on Polygon, the upcoming NFT Stake ecosystem, the Axion Accelerator, and more. When Axion launched in November of 2020, a small portion of the Axion community staked their AXN tokens for one year (350 days in Axion time).  These stakes took advantage of the first BigPayDay (BPD), a pool of tokens set aside to be rewarded to year-long stakers.  More tokens are available in BPD2, 3, 4, and 5. With BPD1 just around the corner, Axion is offering the opportunity for the community to re-stake their AXN & BPD1 earnings for a longer time and earn this special NFT. If you have Diamond Hands when it comes to Axion, now you'll be able to show it off. As a community-driven project, if you choose to believe in Axion during this BPD1 event, this NFT is for you. And it gives you a powerful Accelerator bonus as well!

Does this NFT unlock any functionality?

This is Axion's first Utility Class token with a great benefit: Accelerator Buy Boosts! When the Diamond Stake NFT is detected in a user's wallet, the Accelerator will automatically apply a 5% bonus on Principal to every Accelerator Bid, allowing you to maximize your Axion allocation whenever you bid. This applies to any accepted token as well as re-investing your wBTC rewards! The Diamond Stake NFT will be the highest percentage boost available in the upcoming Axion NFT store, so get it while you can.

Additional functionality may be unlocked with this NFT. Axion does not guarantee any future additional functionality.

Can I sell or trade this NFT on OpenSea?

Absolutely. This NFT is fully transferrable or sellable, so if you don't want this NFT you can trade it with another person or sell it on the open marketplace.

Do I have to have the Diamond Stake NFT to be a part of the Axion community?

 Axion is open to anyone and everyone. You will get this NFT even if you're not a part of the Axion Community on Discord and Telegram.

Will there be future Accelerator Boost NFTs?

Yes, once the Axion NFT Store goes live in a few weeks, users will be able to purchase Accelerator Boost NFTs that grant bonuses when using the Accelerator. Each different booster will have a different power level and a different cost. This Diamond Stake NFT will be the most powerful of the continual bonuses at 5%. Additional Accelerator, Staking, APR, and Single-Use NFTs will be announced in the future as a part of Axion's upcoming NFT Ecosystem.

How to get the Diamond Stake NFT

There are two ways to acquire the Diamond Stake NFT. This NFT will be available exclusively from Wednesday, October 27th until November 15th, 2021

  1. Any matured BPD1 stake of any amount of AXN (stakes that are equal to or longer than 350 days, set to mature on or between the dates above), that is re-staked for at least 5 years (1750 days) or more. The Staking Portal will show a Diamond icon next to any qualifying stake.

  2. Any new stake made during the above dates either by staking AXN tokens or buying in the Axion Accelerator, with minimum of 10M (ten million) AXN staked for at least 5 years (1750 days) or more. The Accelerator will show a Diamond Stake NFT Eligible status when buying AXN.

Please note, only one NFT is allowed per qualifying wallet address. If you already own the Diamond Stake NFT, the Staking Portal will not showcase to you the option to get another.

When will the Diamond Stake NFT be delivered?

Thanks to Axion v3, this NFT will be automatically minted and sent to your address with any qualifying event as described above, no need to wait! You will then be able to see this NFT on OpenSea or within the upcoming Axion NFT Showcase on the Staking Portal.

Having issues seeing your NFTs? Send us a message on the Axion Support Site and our team can assist you.

Missed your chance to get the Diamond Stake NFT?

You can buy existing Diamond Stake NFT's from users on Opensea - Click here to browse!

Get your shine on.