Siva is an exceptional engage2earn ecosystem designed specifically for social media platforms like Discord, Twitter, and soon expanding to include YouTube, Twitch, and many more. With its innovative approach, Siva revolutionizes the way individuals and communities engage with each other, offering both a free public version and an exclusive custom version for Siva Founder Pass holders.
Get ready to embark on an exciting journey where engagement meets rewards. Let's dive into the world of Siva and unlock endless possibilities together with SIVA!
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** The dividend calculator is just an estimate based on current pool size. It is impossible to accurately predict the amount of dividends you will receive over the term of your stake, as it is based on many variables. We cannot hold any responsibility for miscalculations and reserve the right to update the formula used to produce these estimates at any time. wBTC divs are based on the Accelerator selling 100% of the bonus each day, and are therefore not guaranteed.
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